Towels are indispensable products in people’s daily life. The most common ones are cotton and bamboo fiber fabrics. The price of cotton towels is relatively low, and the fabric is relatively stable and durable, but it will turn yellow and hard after a long time, which is not very good for our skin.

Bamboo fiber towels may be more expensive than cotton towels, but they feel very soft and comfortable, and their water absorption is 3-4 times higher than cotton towels. Because the special substance “bamboo Kun” contained in bamboo fiber makes the towel have the characteristics of bacteriostasis and mite removal. For example, children’s skin is relatively tender, so it is more appropriate to use bamboo fiber towels.

When shopping for towels, consumers can also check whether there is a “star towel product logo” on the product and whether there is an oeko100 eco textile certification mark. The products certified as eco textiles are completely free of toxic and pathogenic substances and are completely green. The quality of star towel products is completely excellent.

Take out one yarn from the edge of the towel and wrap it into a circle. Ignite it with fire. It burns quickly, and the gray is black gray. It is light and slag free. It is pure cotton or cellulose regenerated fiber. If the combustion is not clean and the ash has lumps, it indicates that the yarn is a blended yarn mixed with chemical synthetic fibers

Post time: Jul-07-2022